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How to modify the car audio? What precautions?

Date:2022/3/16 |Author:Max Lu|Vistors:2561837

During a journey, the driver's greatest pleasure is to listen to music, and good sound quality will bring the driver a pleasant journey. Imagine if you are driving on the highway and there are no other people in the car, no matter how bad the stereo is, you can't listen to music, isn't it boring?
Usually, the car has its own audio. Now the audio brand and sound quality of the car are not bad, so there is no need for much modification in the usual home. If you buy a second-hand car, the sound quality is not good, or the old car that can only play tapes, but the sound quality is relatively high, you can modify the car audio.
So how to modify the car audio? First of all, the most basic of car audio modification is to be familiar with its basic composition. Many people may not even know the content of the car audio system, so how can they understand the audio system? Let's briefly introduce the basic composition of car audio as well as some common sense and modification precautions!
1. Car audio source (host)
How to correctly understand the basics of car audio modification! Most car stereos use CD, DVD, MD, MP3, Bluetooth, etc. as the audio source part, which is what we usually call the host. As the source of sound, its installation position is generally installed in the console of the car, which is not only the core of all audio systems, but also an important part of the audio system. Among them, the sound quality of CD players is relatively pure, while the capacity of MP3 and MD players is relatively large, so the functions of DVD players are relatively rich. In short, different hosts have their own strengths.
2, Car amplifier
The power amplifier is also the power amplifier, which is responsible for amplifying the power of the pre-stage audio signal, and then used to drive the speaker. In general, most of the power amplifiers built in the host have very small output power, and their sound quality cannot be compared with the external power amplifiers. If you want better sound quality or to drive loudspeakers with more power, additional power amplifiers are essential. Power amplifiers can be divided into Class A power amplifiers, Class AB power amplifiers, and Class B power amplifiers according to their structure.
3. Automotive DSP power amplifier
DSP power amplifiers are also called DSP digital power amplifiers. They use DSP chips and can adjust the parameters of each channel through a computer. The biggest difference from traditional power amplifiers is that DSP power amplifiers can better manage power amplifiers through computers. It can't be done on point. The DSP power amplifier has the functions of other power amplifiers, and at the same time, it can attenuate the overlapping frequencies caused by the environment in the car, and the attenuated frequencies can be added, and the distance between the speakers in the car and the human ear can be adjusted. DSP power amplifier mainly has delay processing, EQ adjustment function and frequency division function, which can adjust the defects that cannot be adjusted physically in the car, completely improve the complex audio environment in the car, and make the sound quality clear.
4, Car horn
Professionally called loudspeaker, horn is just a common name. As a restoration device in the car audio, the restoration of the channel is the most important component that affects and determines the performance and sound quality of the car audio. Car horns can be divided into tweeters, midrange horns, and woofers according to their frequency response; they can be divided into set horns and coaxial horns according to their type. On the other hand, the set speaker is an independent split design and is equipped with a crossover, so that a better full-frequency response and sound field distribution design can be obtained.
5, Car subwoofer
The subwoofer is the subwoofer, which is used to compensate for low frequencies and reproduce ultra-low frequencies. It is divided into active subwoofers and passive subwoofers. A perfect sound system, the subwoofer is also indispensable, its function is to make the low frequency output of the whole sound system better and the music more full. But there is one thing, the power consumption of the subwoofer is relatively strong, which may reduce the life of the battery!
6. Precautions for modifying car audio
1. The audio equipment should be properly selected and balanced. It should neither be cheap nor blindly follow the trend. The price should be in line with one's own budget, and the music style should also be determined.
2. To choose a professional refit shop, the refit master needs to be proficient in disassembly and assembly, and try not to change the direction of the original car line.
3. Take sound insulation measures when refitting, a quiet and comfortable listening environment is very important.
4. Speakers and other audio equipment should be installed firmly to avoid loosening or falling off caused by later vibration, which will affect the sound quality.
5. The rear power fuse box should be kept away from the audio signal line.
6. Do not increase the power amplifier at will. Blindly increasing the power amplifier will not only have a better effect, but will lead to a decrease in sound quality. If an amplifier is added, the installation location should consider the problem of heat dissipation.
7. All the positive terminals of the power supply should be well protected and connected with special connectors.
8. After the modification is completed, make effective debugging. Debugging is very important in car audio modification.
After understanding the above knowledge, do you have a further understanding of car audio modification? When car owners are refitting their car audio, they mainly match them according to their own needs. Before refitting, we should consider which aspect of the audio needs to be improved, and carry out refitting according to the space of our car.
In addition to choosing a brand with the right price and quality, you must also know your listening style. Finally, you need to find a professional modification shop. The professionalism of the modification shop and the master also determines the final modification effect, so it is also very important. a little. If you want to learn car audio modification, you can go to a regular car school, you can learn it in a week, and the cost is not very high.

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