No matter the voice, the voice or the instrument, they are not a single tone, but a compound
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No matter the voice, the voice or the instrument, they are not a single tone, but a compound
The sound. That is, the pitch of the sound and a series of overtones. These overtones are bits of the fundamental frequency, which physics calls
Partials, electroacoustics called harmonics, music called overtones. It has a very important influence on the character of timbre. The sum of the number of overtones
The frequency characteristic curve of different tones of overtones. This curve body again timbre expressive force. For example, the piano
The lowest tone frequency is 27.5Hz, the highest tone frequency is 4186Hz, and the piano has more than a dozen overtones, its high frequency can reach 10kHx~20kHz, generally can be measured to 16 overtones or 24 overtones. These overtones can be classified as low frequency overtones, middle frequency overtones and high frequency overtones.