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Different budgets, how to upgrade the car audio more cost-effective?

Date:13th April,2021 |Author:秩名|Vistors:22441

Different budgets, how to upgrade the car audio more cost-effective?

Now more and more car owners have joined the ranks of modified car audio, but you must know that the price of modified car audio varies. Here, the editor of Shijiazhuang Dongjun Car Audio would like to remind all car owners to play music within their means. Think about your budget before modifying your car stereo, and don't go into debt just for fun. Next, I will introduce to you the budget of car audio modification at different price points, which is only for reference.
1. $400 for soundproofing only
Customers who want to do car sound effects tend to ignore this, and it is necessary to do car sound insulation. If the budget is only $200, then it is recommended to spend the budget on the sound insulation of the whole vehicle first. Even without more budget to replace speakers and amplifiers. Sound insulation of the whole vehicle can also reduce noise to a great extent and improve sound quality. In fact, even if the sound is not changed, the sound quality of the car after sound insulation and noise reduction is significantly improved. Why is the sound effect after noise reduction good? This is because, although noise reduction cannot fundamentally improve the quality of music, it can create a listening living environment with less noise.
Second, the budget of $ 1600 car audio modification program
If the customer's budget is $800, there is no extra money to add an amplifier on top of changing speakers, then you will think that dsp is a good thing. In terms of price, $200 can buy a mid-level DSP. Functionally, it can handle frequency cut, crossover, EQ, delay, etc. Although the cost is moderate, it is a comprehensive solution to improve the sound.
Three, if you have a budget of $2400, you can add a power amp
It has to be said that changing the sound and installing a power amplifier takes up most of the budget. When modifying the car audio, it is better to reserve more budget for the car power amplifier, because the addition of the car power amplifier has a significant effect on improving the sound effect. Of course, if the sensitivity of the car horn is low and the power of the host is too low, so that the car horn cannot play an ideal sound effect, then it is necessary to install a power amplifier to amplify the sound signal of the original car. After installing the power amplifier, you will obviously feel that the sound is brighter and cleaner, which is a must for many customers who have strict requirements on sound quality.
Four. $3000 Car Audio Modification Plan
When raising the car budget to $3,000, the choice is flexible and belongs to the veteran car music player. The sound modification scheme generally adopted by most customers is "front and rear sound field speakers + processor + power amplifier". In this scheme, both dsp and power amplifier are available, and the high, low and mid-bass can be played well, and the sound is clear, stable and powerful.
Suoer car audio products, with a wide range of product types and power sizes, provide flexible solutions for senior car music players and provide a wide range of equipment support.

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